The Parks Cycle Route

The Mantuan Oltrepò Parks Cycle Route is a network of 270 kilometres of routes connecting all the wilderness areas in the Oltrepò

Mappa Ciclovia dei Parchi

Rest AreaRest Area
InfopointRest Area – Infopoint
Infopoint Bike point – Rest Area – Infopoint

Park System bikes are available at the Bike Points

Cycle Routes in the Mantuan Oltrepò Parks System (SIPOM)
Cycle routes inside the SIPOM
Asfaltate Paved routes
Sterrate Dirt routes
Strade bianche Gravel routes
Percorso esterni al SIPOM Routes outside the SIPOM

Stazioni ferroviarieRailway stations
Autostrada A22Motorway A22
Svincoli autostradaliMotorway A22 junctions
Centri urbaniUrban centres
Riserva NaturaleNature Reserve
PLISLPSI (Local Park of Supra-municipal Interest)
ZPSSPA (Special Protection Area)

The wilderness areas

The wilderness areas of the Mantuan Oltrepò Parks System.
Over 9,000 hectares of protected territory, enclosing a cross section of the most significant environments of the Oltrepò, such as sandy areas, oxbow lakes…

The Parks System

The Mantuan Oltrepò also conserves amazing natural richness. It is marginal, residual nature that has miraculously survived the agricultural exploitation…